
GPS DLL functions

Here you will find a description of all the available functions.

All the functions below are located in a Visual Basic module.
Simply add the module to your Visual Basic project(s).
The filename of the DLL is:  GPSV77K.DLL and must be located in the Windows, or program directory (preferable the Windows directory).         




        <DLL INPUT>  Serial port variables                                                            

             Public Declare Function serial& Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "SERIAL" _
                                                            (ByVal Commport&, _
                                                            ByVal Baudrate&, _
                                                            ByVal Databits&, _
                                                            ByVal StopBits&, _
                                                            ByVal Parity&, _
                                                            ByVal triggercommport&)

                  example:    Call serial&(2,4800,8,1,0,1)
                  remarks:     You will need to call this function only once, or if you want to change the serial port parameters.
                                    Parity:   no parity = 0
                                               odd parity = 1
                                              even parity = 2
                                             mark parity = 3
                                            space parity = 4
                                    triggercommport& must always have the value 1

         Return: Present Latitude degrees                                                                    

            Public Declare Function gpslatitudedegrees! Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSLATITUDEDEGREES" (ByVal X!)

                  example:    x! =  gpslatitudedegrees!(0)
                  remarks:    x! contains latitude degrees

                                    Sentence:  RMC, GLL and GGA

       Return: Present Latitude minutes                             

            Public Declare Function gpslatitudeminutes! Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSLATITUDEMINUTES" (ByVal X!)  

                 example:    x! = gpslatitudeminutes!(0)
                 remarks:    x! contains latitude minutes
                                    Sentence:  RMC, GLL and GGA

       Return: Present Longitude degrees                                                                   

            Public Declare Function gpslongitudedegrees! Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSLONGITUDEDEGREES" (ByVal X!)

                  example:    x! =  gpslongitudedegrees!(0)
                  remarks:     x! contains longitude degrees

                                    Sentence:  RMC, GLL and GGA           

       Return: Present Longitude minutes                                                                   

            Public Declare Function gpslongitudeminutes! Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSLONGITUDEMINUTES" (ByVal X!)

                  example:    x! =  gpslongitudeminutes!(0)
                  remarks:    x! contains longitude minutes
                                    Sentence:  RMC, GLL and GGA

        Return: Present Latitude Indication ( 1 = N    0 = S )                                                      

            Public Declare Function gpslatitudeindication% Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSLATITUDEINDICATION" (ByVal X%)

                    example:  x% = gpslatitudeindication%(0)
                    remarks:   x% contains 1 or 0. 
                                    1 represents North
                                    0 represents South
                                   Sentence:  RMC, GLL and GGA

       Return: Present Longitude Indication ( 1 = E    0 = W )                                                     

            Public Declare Function gpslongitudeindication% Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSLONGITUDEINDICATION" (ByVal X%)  

                    example:  x% = gpslongitudeindication%(0)
                    remark:     x% contains 1 or 0. 
                                    1 represents East
                                    0 represents West
                                   Sentence:  RMC, GLL and GGA

       Return: Time of Fix                                                                                    

            Public Declare Function gpstimefix! Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSTIMEFIX" (ByVal X!)

                     example:  x! = gpstimefix! (0)
                     remarks:   x! contains the time the fix was taken
                                    Sentence: RMC, GLL and GGA

       Return: Date of Fix                                                                                     

            Public Declare Function gpsdatefix! Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSDATEFIX" (ByVal X!)  

                     example:  x! = gpsdatefix! (0)
                     remarks:  x! contains the date the fix was taken
                                    Sentence:  RMC and GGA

       Return: Present Speed                                                                                 

            Public Declare Function gpsspeed! Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSSPEED" (ByVal X!)  

                       example:  x! = gpsspeed! (0)
                       remarks:  x! contains the speed
                                    Sentence:  RMC

       Return: Present Heading                                                                               

            Public Declare Function gpsheading! Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSHEADING" (ByVal X!)  

                        example:  x! = gpsheading! (0)
                         remarks:  x! contains the heading
                                       Sentence:  RMC, GLL and GGA    

       Return: Data Status                                                            

            Public Declare Function gpsdatastatus% Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSDATASTATUS" (ByVal X%)         

                        example:  x% = gpsdatastatus% (0)
                        remarks:  x% contains 1 or 0
                                       1 = OK   0 = Warning                          
                                      Sentence:  RMC and GLL           

<DLL INPUT> Close the serial Port

            Public Declare Function closeport% Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "CLOSEPORT" (ByVal X%)  

                         example:  call closeport%(0)
                         remarks:  closes the serial port
                         IMPORTANT:  Always close the serial port if you terminate your application!  

       <DLL INPUT> Sentence type                                            

            Public Declare Function sentencetype% Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "SENTENCETYPE" (ByVal X%)

                          example:  call sentencetype%(1)
                           remarks:  1 = RMC    2 = GLL     3 = GGA       4 = RMC + GGA

<DLL INPUT> number of bytes in the buffer before the DLL is reading the receive buffer

            Public Declare Function receivebuffer% Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "RECEIVEBUFFER" (ByVal X%)

                            example:  call receivebuffer%(600)
                            remarks:   It's a number between 200 and ....800
                                            This is the number of bytes in the buffer before the DLL is
                                            going to read the receive buffer.

       Return: fixquality                                         

            Public Declare Function gpsfixquality% Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSFIXQUALITY" (ByVal X%)

                            example:  x% = gpsfixquality%(0)
                             remarks: x% contains 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8
                          Fix quality: 0 = invalid
                                           1 = GPS fix
                                           2 = DGPS fix
                                           3 = PPS fix
                                           4 = Real Time Kinematic
                                           5 = Float RTK
                                           6 = estimated 
                                           7 = Manual input mode
                                           8 = Simulation mode
                        Sentence: GGA

Return: number of satellites                                                                         

            Public Declare Function gpsnumberofsatellites% Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSNUMBEROFSATELLITES" (ByVal X%)

                               example:  x% = gpsnumberofsatellites%(0)
                               remarks:  x% contains the number of satellites being tracked                  
                                             Sentence: GGA

Return: altitude

            Public Declare Function gpsaltitude! Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSALTITUDE" (ByVal X!)

                                example:  x! = gpsaltitude!(0)
                                remarks:  x! contains the altitude  
                                               Sentence:  GGA

Return: units of altitude        

            Public Declare Function gpsaltitudeunit% Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSALTITUDEUNIT" (ByVal X%)  

                                   example:  x% = gpsaltitudestring%(0)
                                   remarks:  Returns the units of altitude.  ( GGA sentence only )
                                                  x% contains an integer
                                                  1 = Meters
                                                  Sentence: GGA      

Return: DLL Version

Public Declare Function version% Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "VERSION" (ByVal X%)

example: x% = version%(0)
remarks: Returns the version of the DLL
x% contains for example: 103, then this means: version 1.0.3

Return: GPS connection Status

Public Declare Function gpsconnectionstatus% Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSCONNECTIONSTATUS" (ByVal X%)

example: x% = gpsconnectionstatus%(0)
remarks: if x% = 1 then connection is lost.

<DLL INPUT>  number of seconds before the DLL is going to warn in case of signal loss     

Public Declare Function gpssignallosswarningtime% Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "GPSSIGNALLOSSWARNINGTIME" (ByVal X%)

example: call gpssignalloswarningtime%(3)
remarks: This will set the number of seconds before the DLL is going to warn in case of
signal loss (GPS connection disabled / Antenna disconnected / etc...) ' This could be 2...6 seconds... or whatever.

            <DLL INPUT> License key                                                                   

            Public Declare Function licensekey& Lib "GPSV77K.DLL" Alias "LICENSEKEY" (ByVal X&)
                                    After purchase you will receive your license key to use the DLL in the
                                    Visual Basic environment. Without a license key ( or wrong license key )
                                    a screen will popup, reminding you this is the unregistered version.





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